My recent projects


Tekes founded start-up project which aim was to create new E-recipe ecosystem and different kinds of based around the date gathered from recipes. We commissioned advanced newness research and pitched the idea quite a lot. But in the end we weren’t able to collect enough money to continue the development. I was working as project manager on the project. Project started as school project in Haaga-Helia Univercity of Applied sciences.


Early arduino prototy


Project Run!

    Run! is location based, multiplatform mobile game that supports any device with html5 support. Games goal is catch a runner whose device is prod casting location information to web.


Wikings Online

Wiking online is multiplayer unity demo running on Photon cloud. Currently one game support up to 10 players. You can try web-version or download the desktop version. Based on Unity studios wiking demo.

Web-player or Download the desktop version

Bilkent Innovation course

Multicultural innovation project done in Bilkent University in Turkey. Our product was called Social eBooks. Concept is simple: We want to accelerate the learning process by highlighting the important content from ebooks, so you can understand / find the most important content of the book faster. This can be done by socializing reading process.

Example picture of the product. For more information and working live demo, visit the project web-page